Growing Up
in the 2020s
Growing up in the 2020s is a landmark national study, following the lives of young people as they move through secondary school.
On this website, you can find more information about the study including answers to common queries, what the study involves, what to expect next, and our contact details.

The Study
Growing Up in the 2020s is a national study following 8,000 Year 8 students, their families, and teachers.
The study is commissioned and funded by the Department for Education (DfE), and led by the organisation Anna Freud in partnership with University College London (UCL) and Ipsos.
This unique research explores what it’s like to grow up in the 2020s, giving insights into young people’s experiences at school, at home, and beyond. We can learn a lot by following the same group of young people over a number of years, such as how their experiences affect their education, wellbeing and futures.
By taking part, you’ll help build a picture of what life is like for young people today. The findings will shape policies and services to support young people and their families, by helping researchers, governments, and policymakers understand the challenges and opportunities of this generation.
Your participation can make a real impact—join us today!
The study series

Growing Up in the 2020s is part of an exciting series of national studies funded by the Department for Education (DfE) exploring childhood and adolescence, from birth through to young adulthood. The other studies in the series include:
- Children of the 2020s, which focuses on the development of children born in England in the early 2020s over their first five years of life. For more information, visit the UCL website.
- Five to Twelve, which follows children attending primary school in England in the 2020s. For more information, visit the NatCen website.
Growing Up in the 2020s focuses on young people during their secondary school years, providing unique insights into this critical stage of development.
What does the study involve?
We would like to speak to young people selected for the study, and their parents/carers. We would like to speak to them each year as they move through secondary school, starting when they are in Year 8.
The interviewer will ask one mother, father or other parental carer to take part in a short interview about their household. The interviewer will then ask up to two parents or carers in the household (including the parent/ carer who completed the household interview) to fill in a short web survey. The web surveys ask about things like parents’ education and employment, health and wellbeing, behaviours and family relationships.
With the parent’s or carer’s permission, the interviewer will invite the young person to take part in a short interview to learn about their views and experiences. They will also be asked to complete a short activity which is designed to help researchers understand their thinking skills.
With the permission of parents and young people, we will also invite a teacher who knows the young person to complete a short web survey.
For common questions, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Future stages
We would like to ask participants to take part again around the time young people are in Year 9, 11 and 12 so we can see how young people are getting on. We will get back in touch with you when it is time to take part again. Please get in touch with us if your contact details change.
Publications & press releases
Please visit the Anna Freud website for exciting updates on the study findings.
How you can get in touch
If you are a participant in the study, please quote your study reference number (you can find this at the top of the letter or email you have received from us).

The opening times for the phone line are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
0800 182 2137

You can also write to us at:
Growing Up in the 2020s
Links House
15 Links Place
To contact the Department for Education (DfE), you can call the main helpline on 0370 000 2288 (Mon-Fri, 9.30am-5pm), email or submit your question online. You can also visit the DfE research page.